Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Chicks day 5

 Here Chickie chickie chickies

 Nellie and Harriett show interest

 Nellie dives in

Dorothy and Harriett join the party


 Betty makes an appearance

 Hungry Hungry Chicklets

Hi Chicks!

Nellie stretches to get a better view

 Social party!


 Eleanor perching

 Natalie perching


"Hey Dorothy, get out of my spot" -Harriett

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Chicks day 4

 Harriett's favorite spot

 Dorothy getting her roost on.


 Eleanor & Dorothy

 Natalie (yellow one)

 Natalie jumping up to the roost

 Millie & Ryann


 Betty & Eleanor --Gold Laced Wyandottes

 Om nom nom nom

 yum yum


 Curious Nellie


 Fluffy butts


Millie is an Easter Egger and will possibly lay bluish eggs!
